The Fifth Dimension Zoom Workshop with Birkan Tore and Tim Whild

Workshop Recording

About this recording

If you have attended the first three events you will have learned the essentials for life in our current dimension on Earth. In the very near future this entire planet will have shifted to a (predominantly) fifth-dimensional frequency and things will be beginning to look very different. Here we are going to share our views on where this planet is going and how to use what you are gifted with to your maximum potential.

Advanced energy work is not actually advanced at all because YOU are already an expert in whatever you do but you have forgotten how to do your job.

Everybody on the ascension pathway will have incarnated with specific gifts and talents that are now becoming available again. We are all teachers, leaders, masters and planet changers but first we must learn to accept that within ourselves and discover the most effective way of reclaiming our spiritual heritage.

  • Life in 5D. What can we expect and what will we be doing? Birkan and Tim will answer this question in depth.
  • Unlocking your maximum potential. We all have the ability to be masters of our arts and here we will cover the most effective ways of connecting to our gifts and talents
  • Spiritual teachers. At what stage do we start being a spiritual teacher and how do you recognise when you are ready to step up to this task?
  • Further changes to our energy bodies and chakras. We have already undergone the most incredible energy shift in the last six years. Here is what is coming next!
  • Upgrade your space to 5D! Create a new environment that supports you fully
  • How to create your perfect reality. There is a lot of distracting information and blurb about spiritual perfection. Here we will clarify what is practical and what is not
  • Twin Flames, Soulmates and Soul Family. Of all the subjects this is one of the most confusing and distracting. Here we will explain how it all works and why

Payment via PayPal – £35. Once you have signed up you will automatically be sent a link with instructions to access the recording.

You can also book for this event at a discounted rate as part of our 5 event series – Find out more.

We hope you enjoy the recording! Love Birkan Tore and Tim Whild.

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Image credit: Martin Dolan Photography