During his own personal process on the ascension pathway Tim has worked closely with numerous souls and found the most effective ways of communicating his information directly.   

After many years of working with Skype Tim has now expanded his one to one platform and is offering online workshops via Zoom. This re-creates the vibration and unity of a physical workshop by reaching up to 500 people simultaneously and recording every word so that the event is available to others after it is finished. 

Below is a list of his current and upcoming Zoom events and booking details for each one. 

Upcoming Zoom Events

Lions Gate 2024 – The Inner Sun Expansion | Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

Online via YouTube

Join David Essery and Tim Whild this Lions Gate where Melchizedek will be our guide as we travel to the Lemurian City to witness the incredible expansion of this “Light Core” which will share its light with all the souls of Earth, beginning a reawakening for all.

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Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 7: Speaking Your Truth With Love

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

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The Golden Solar Violet Flame – Closing the Lions Gate with Tim Whild & Lovisa Alvtörn

Join Lovisa & Tim for this nourishing and empowering event as we close down the Lions Gate together and enter into the peaceful and grounding energies of Virgo season.

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Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 8: Integrating Light

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

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Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 9: The Divine Principles

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

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Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 10: The Golden Children of the Future

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

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Previous Event Recordings

11-11 Manifestation Portal Event – Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild

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Wednesday 11th November is a master number date and 11-11 signifies higher manifestation. The idea of this workshop is to apply our intention as a powerful group to manifest what we wish to see in our new reality for ourselves and for others.

22.2.2022 The Day of the Master Builder – Zoom Online Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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This date is the 22nd February 2022.  22.02.2022 is a triple 22, so the Master energy is incredibly magnified by 3.  It is a high frequency portal of higher potential that Lightworkers from around the world are asked to utilise to manifest their visions for their own ascension and that of the planet into our golden future.

6 Quick Ways to Keep Your Frequency Aligned with Ascension Zoom Workshop with Diana Cooper and Tim Whild

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Tim and I have been guided to offer a series of three Zooms that provide very quick but intense and powerful techniques for keeping your frequency aligned with ascension. In the first one we share six ascension energies and take you through beautiful visualisations to attune to each one.

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