Bonding With Crystals.
Working with crystals and crystal skulls has been a passion of mine since I can remember. As a child I would collect rocks and pieces of brightly coloured glass and arrange them in ‘order’, or simply filled my pockets with them. In an old keepsake cabinet at my Mothers house is a small piece of […]
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Full Release (Destroyer) Decree
There is so much coming up for us at the moment, I thought I would write a decree for Lighworkers who are moving through difficult release patterns.This decree is designed to free all karma and past-life issues, particularly pertaining to family and ancestral bloodlines. I recommend reading it facing the East at sunrise. You are […]
Read moreThe Gold Star Seal of Atlantis
Over eight years ago I was given the Blue Star Seal of Atlantis while meditating in my bedroom. This incident sticks in my mind as one of my most prominent life memories, as it was the day that my pathway truly started. I had just been through an intense life change and was temporarily living […]
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Returning to the Halls of Amenti
Today marks the opening of another powerful fifth dimensional portal here on Earth. These events happen continuously with varying degrees of intensity, but since the Blood Moon shift we are truly entering the higher flows.The Summer months gave us a high stream of action energy that allowed many on the Master pathway to build new […]
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Invocation To The Law Of One
Each time the energy intensifies in this dimension, more is revealed of our own true essence. In order to achieve this we undergo a rigorous ‘breaking down’ process which strips the ballast from our lightbodies and emotional fields.The experiences an individual may have during this is a direct reflection of what is needed to be […]
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The Archangel Chakra Jewels
The Archangel Chakra Jewels Stellar Gateway Golden Beryl Soul Star Ruby Causal Moonstone Crown liquid gold Third Eye Emerald Throat Sapphire Heart Pink Star Diamond Solar Plexus Yellow Sapphire Naval Fire Opal Sacral Rose Quartz Base Hermiker Diamond Earth Star Pure Silver Our ascension process is fully underway now, our four energy bodies merging seamlessly […]
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Invocation to Perfect Balance
The point of full transition is very close. Our entire journey leading to this unique moment has been a process of deep exploration to discover who we really are. Earth School wasn’t designed to be passed easily, and is one of the fastest places in the Universal Matrix to progress on a soul level. Grading […]
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The Invocation to a Trillion Suns
We are ascending, and so is the planet that we have chosen to incarnate on. Since the 1st January, the intensity of the energies that we receive has doubled again, completely collapsing major facets of the previous paradigm. This has affected not only our everyday existence, but the vibration of the spirit world that is […]
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The Lilac Fire of Source
Just to verify the speed of ascension evolution occurring upon this beautiful world, a new version of the Violet Flame has been anchored and made available this morning. The Violet Flame has gone through several layers since its re-introduction to our world a short while ago, and every time it does so, it indicates the […]
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Metatron Light Incubation Chamber
Whilst on holiday in France, this August, I received the most wonderful birthday present from the Beloved Archangel Metatron. I had driven, on the 10th of August, to Lac du Charlain, in South-East France, with my wife and four children, and another teenage friend of the family. It was a long drive down and a […]
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