Hello beautiful souls! We are now in the powerful 10/10/22 energy portal and bathing in the light of the Aries Full Moon!

What a perfect sacred time to share with you the collaboration between myself, Lovisa Alvtorn and Doni Amoris.

We have united our soul gifts to channel a free event: LIGHT OF ASGARD. This event transmits to you the blessings of Goddess Freya, Allfather Odin, and Yggdrasil and it celebrates the birth of the ASGARD Illumination Scarves!

Tune into the 1010 transmission at the link below.
Share it with your friends!



We strongly believe in the healing power of light, color, and wearable energy art…It is clear to see the importance of this spiritual technology, supporting us to co-create a better world, in divine grace, and for all. Let us together create waves of good energy around the world with the Norse Master energies and the Asgard Illumination Scarves!


You will find that we offer early bird pricing and gifts for a short time until October 17th, 2022. Explore the scarves and their powerful energy gifts at the link below.

May the Light within awaken!
With love and gratitude,
Tim, Lovisa and Doni.


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