About Tim Whild
Tim Whild is an ascension and Lightbody expert, who has been working closely with the evolvement of Earth for most of his life. Tim was a High Priest in the eras of Atlantis and Ancient Egypt, and is using his collective memories to bring through the spiritual gifts and information stored in those times. His current work with ancient Atlantean technologies is already helping those on a spiritual path around the world.
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3/3 – The Cosmic Christ Portal with Sunna, Baldur, and Archangel Mary
The portal days of our spiritual calendar have transformed from a minor fascination to incredibly powerful events that align with the intention of Lightworkers around the world.
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Sunday Night Ascension – Dragons!
During this session you will meet your personal Dragon and work with powerful Cosmic Dragons who have incredibly important roles in the planetary shift!
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Sunday Night Ascension – Lightworkers and Abundance
This workshop will look at our relationship with manifesting what is right for us and identify the core beliefs that can sabotage the prosperous self-belief system that we are trying to achieve.
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Heartmagic & the 5th Chamber of Your Heart
Enter the most sacred place within you, the fifth chamber of the heart. A magical place within you filled with incredible power and potential. A space of Zero Point.
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Sunday Night Ascension – Core Fear Removal
This will be a powerful event that will dive deeply into the realms of the shadows that have held us back for millennia.
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Sunday Night Ascension – Illness and the Spiritual Pathway
This will be an in-depth session that will contain a lot of useful information and a powerful healing activation.
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Sunday Night Ascension – Navigating Negativity and Spiritual Persecution
This session will look at what happens to our bodies, personality, and energy fields once we begin our shift and the effect that this can have on the relationships that we hold dear.
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Sunday Night Ascension – Rediscovering Golden Atlantis
During this powerful session we will travel back to a lesser-known temple of the Golden Era to experience a reactivation of the Divine Balance within us.
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Sunday Night Ascension – The Spiritual Laws in 5D
This workshop will dive deeply into the Spiritual Laws as we are going to experience them in our uniquely physical space.
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Sunday Night Ascension – Community and Living in the Fifth Dimension
Buy NowDuring this workshop Tim will be analysing the Atlantean Community Goldprint and working with the Naval chakra which represents Oneness and Unity.

Sunday Night Ascension – Grounding and Light Integration
Buy NowThis workshop will focus on how to integrate the new light codes and the best methods for grounding especially during shift periods!

Igniting Your New Year Coding – with Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild
Buy NowMia Kafkios and Tim Whild have had the ‘go-ahead’ to ignite the primary coding for Lightworkers around the world to carry the torch for others looking for guidance within the turbulence that is seen and felt within the shift of dimensions.

Healing in the Heart of the World Tree with Tim Whild & Lovisa Alvtörn
Buy NowDuring this deeply healing power-hour with Tim and Lovisa, you will be gently held, loved and nourished within the very Heart of the World Tree itself.

Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 10: The Golden Children of the Future
Buy NowSunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Embracing Your Shadow – Zoom Online with Tim Whild
Buy NowWe have now entered the deepest space for personal and collective healing this year and the planets are ‘setting the table’ for a last supper.
Upcoming Workshops Around The World

The Stuttgart SPRING ASCENSION Weekend with Tim Whild
Tim Whild is paying an early-spring visit to one of his favourite places, Stuttgart and its surrounding area, to run a powerful two-day workshop focussing on the most beautiful parts of the ascension process.
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Ascension in the New Forest! Spring Workshop with Tim Whild
Doors are opening for a powerful weekend workshop held in the heart of the New Forest Beaulieu Road Hotel.
This powerful two-day event will focus on the ascension pathway as we are currently experiencing it and will offer good-humoured and practical solutions to making the very best of the world that we are currently experiencing.

Soul Fire Alchemy Workshop with Tim Whild and Miriam Beck
Exclusive workshop with limited places in the energies of our wonderful energy card deck “Deine Innere Lichtschmiede” in Hamburg.
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Deep Cellular Grounding – Meditation Monday.
Begin your week by attuning every aspect of you to the new frequencies that are flowing in. We have a powerful weekend approaching with the 22/2 and Tim is going to be in beautiful Stuttgart presenting a weekend workshop. There are still a few spaces available for anyone thinking of joining! https://www.timwhild.com/events/the-stuttgart-spring-ascension-weekend-with-tim-whild/
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Friday Ascension Update – Love and Gratitude.
14th February is often celebrated as a day of love and as we move along the pathway to ascension many are realising that every day is to be celebrated. Love, gratitude, and adoration, are the foundation frequencies of the Golden Future. These keys to manifestation begin within us and radiate into the reality that we […]
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Meditation Monday – Jumping Timelines.
We had two big shifts in the space of seven days recently…did you bring everything that you want with you? Tim looks at recalling all of our precious energies (and leaving everything else) this morning. Dive in! Sunday Night Ascension – 16th February – https://www.timwhild.com/events/sunday-night-ascension-community-and-living-in-the-fifth-dimension/
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