The Great Shift

We have made vast movement in spiritual terms since the Cosmic Moment in 2012.Three intensive years of physical, mental and emotional clearance leading to the rapid expansion of the Crystalline Light Body, or Merkabah. So many are finding their path, and their soul groups with whom to expand, and standing forth to take their place […]

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The Calling of the Sacral

This is not my usual kind of discourse, but as my job expands, I feel that it is my privilege to share my observations on the current flows. As my good friend Paul (Polaris AB) quoted over a year ago…’All that is ridged, shall be shaken’ Who’s feeling shaken then? We are now the first […]

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The Fifth Dimensional Chakra Upgrades

Updating of the Fifth Dimensional Chakra System At the Cosmic Moment 21/12/12, our energy systems changed forever, preparing us for imminent ascension. The first thing that occurred was a massive increase in our capacity to hold light within our four body system. Almost instantly, our auras, our Merkabah system expanded greatly, in preparation for the […]

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November Light Flow

Something is stirring. A deeper and more intense pocket of personal activation that is pushing the boundaries of this reality and the next one. It appears that we have a variety of dimensional spectrums to take our pick from in our everyday existance, as the celestial wattage is turned up to a healthy 10. We […]

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Raising the Light of Golden Atlantis

Golden Atlantis exists in the hearts of the majority of souls on this planet. 20,000 years ago, this beautiful and integral part of Earths history sunk in physical for the final time, placing Earth in the third dimension. It is now time to bring this fifth dimensional energy back into our realities. As we move […]

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Rise of the Black Dragon Elementals

We share our ascending realm with a vast array of beautiful, dedicated Elemental beings. These forms of conscious life occupy a vibratory structure that is higher than ours at present. This makes our dimension, and their dimension, a tangible layer away from what we perceive as ‘reality’. The closest to us all, by far, are […]

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Nurturing our New Paradigm

Nurturing our new Paradigm. We are so close now. Tangibly close. The energetic reality that has held our third dimensional reality together for the last 20,000 years is being swept away by the winds of vast Cosmic change. In every single one of our personal spheres of reality, more continues to surface, clearing the emotional […]

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Defining Your Reality

Just stop for a few moments, and take a couple of deep breaths… What thoughts are prominent? What programs are you running? Planet Earth is running its own set of programs, and we the viewers, are flicking from channel to channel. On the first Equinox of this year, 21/6/14, the entire energy structure shifted to […]

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Alchemising the Collective

We are reaching a very interesting peak in the current transitions, and as I write this, the last day of August opens with another huge inflow of Light. So much is expressed, and written, about the feelings of inertia or ‘stuck ness’ amongst those tuned into the planetary energies. Most of us, as an act […]

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August, and Everything After.

We are now in the third week of August 2014, and settling into the new waves of energy that merge with our sphere of reality. The full moon that occurred on the 10th broke new barriers of intensity. Combined with the Lions Gate, the Diamond Merkabah Activation, and the harvesting of the Aquarian Ascension pool, […]

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