Practical Ascension 2024 – Week 14 – The Eclipse of Peace

Practical Ascension 2024 – Week 14 – The Eclipse of Peace. Today Tim is in Hamburg for the Inner Light Forge Workshop and the energies of the upcoming eclipse are building magnificently. How are we perceiving these upcoming changes? Do we see peace in our world or is it filled with conflict? 14th April – […]

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Meditation Monday – Creating Wishes with your Angel.

Meditation Monday – Creating Wishes with your Angel. Many say that April 1st is the true ‘New Years Day’ and this morning Tim looks at creating wishes from the heart with the assistance of your Guardian Angel. Mercury has also moved into an Aries Retrograde. Yay! 😂 6th and 7th April, Your Inner Light forge, […]

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Practical Ascension 2024 – Week 13 – Energy is Your Currency.

Practical Ascension 2024 – Episode 13 – Energy is Your Currency. Today’s episode looks at what we are spending our most precious currency upon, the currency of energy. With a powerful Eclipse approaching on the 8th April (Pam Gregory explains everything here – ) it is vital that we approach our process from a […]

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The Sixth Veil of Amnesia – Meditation Monday.

Meditation Monday – The Sixth Veil of Amnesia. Today’s meditation with Tim looks at the removal of the Sixth Veil of Amnesia. Together with Archangel Jophiel and a drenched spaniel we look at how this incredible change to our Third Eye is going to work for us. 31st March – Sunday Night Ascension Club – […]

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Practical Ascension 2024 – Week 12 – Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild

Practical Ascension 2024 – Week 12 – April Onwards with Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild. Today’s episode is a conversation with Mia and Tim about the current energies and what will be coming up for us in April. There is a huge influx of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine frequencies for us to embody and […]

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Spring Birdsong – Happy Equinox

30 minutes of English birdsong recorded on the March Equinox 2024 (Dorset UK).

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Meditation Monday with Lovisa and Tim.

Today Tim is joined by Lovisa Alvtorn to head into the forest with Merlin and Pan. There are some exciting new codes coming through for the March Equinox! Join Tim and Lovisa at 19.00 GMT Wednesday evening to celebrate the March Equinox with Part 2 of their World Tree events –

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Practical Ascension 2024 – Episode 11 – Spiritual Aloneness.

Practical Ascension 2024 – Week 11 – Spiritual Aloneness. Today’s trip round the woods is a walk n talk that covers two aspects of the initiation of ‘going dark’. This happens to many souls that dedicate themselves to the spiritual pathway only to find that they lose friends/family and quite often their connection to their […]

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The Codes of Regeneration – Meditation Monday.

Meditation Monday – The Codes of Regeneration. Today Tim is by the big fallen tree and he is joined by Goddess Amaryllis who holds the Codes of Regeneration. Amaryllis is also known as the Goddess of Spring and she hails from Andromeda. 14th March – Event 2 16th March – In Person 20th […]

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Practical Ascension – Episode 10 – Reset the Matrix

Practical Ascension 2024 – Episode 10 – Reset the Matrix. Today’s update with Tim looks at how we can exit one reality and create another with diligence, focus, and positivity. When this is repeated by many likeminded souls a ‘reset’ occurs…listen in to find out more. Tomorrow we are in-person at Light the Way in […]

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