Exploring the Magic of the World Tree | 3-part Zoom Online Course with Lovisa Alvtörn & Tim Whild

Workshop Recording

About this recording

The Tree of Life or World Tree is a recurring symbol in ancient myths, folklore and religions all across the world. In Norse tradition the Tree of Life is a huge Ash tree called Yggdrasil, situated at the centre of the Universe. All else exists around it, and is connected by it, including the 9 realms or worlds of Creation in Norse mythology. 

In this 3-part course, Tim and Lovisa will take you on a powerful journey of exploration where you will deepen your connection with the World Tree and its many sacred teachings. Each part of the course looks at the deep symbolism of the tree from different angles and perspectives, expanding and deepening your understanding with every step of the way.

Tim and Lovisa both hold strong connections to the ancient Norse energies and the Norse Masters are coming forward as some of the main guides in this series. With Odin, Freya, her brother Frey and the mysterious and magical Norns – the Goddesses of Fate who look after and nourish Ash Yggdrasil – in the lead, we are ready to take you on a enlightening journey towards higher understanding of both yourself, the world, and your role in it. Are you ready for the ride?

In this 3-part course you will: 

  • Work with the World Tree and its pure, healing and regenerating Life-Force on a physical level. We will be connecting in with the Tree Kingdom and with all of Nature, under the main guidance of Frey, Freya, Lady Gaia, Merlin, Pan and Archangel Raphael.
  • Be guided by among others Odin, Frigga, Archangel Mariel and the Cosmic Masters as we learn about and strengthen our connection with the different realms of Creation:
    • on a personal/soul level: Working with our own World Tree of our Soul/Monad with the different branches leading out into different aspects of our soul.
    • on a Cosmic level: Connecting via the World Tree out into the Cosmos with different Stars, Constellations and Star systems.
    • on a Consciousness level: Working with the World Tree as a connection point in between different levels of Consciousness via our Monad all the way up to Source. 
  • Work with the sacred Runes of Creation carved into Ash Yggdrasil, and the Well of Wisdom at its roots. Here we are guided mainly by Odin and the Norns – the Keepers of the secrets of the runes as well as the guardians of the World Tree and the fates of mankind. 
  • Participate in high level service work! There is a lot of service work coming in here along with the teaching on all of the different levels and aspect of this work. We will really make a difference in a very powerful way with our own unique gifts during this journey together with the World Tree of Creation. 

This series runs from Imbolc to the Spring Equinox; a period of the year which holds a powerful energy of rebirth, growth and regeneration perfect for this journey of exploration and expansion with the World Tree energies. We hope to see you there with us!

The price to book for all 3 sessions is £36. To book your place, please complete the form below.

Love Lovisa & Tim 

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