Opening the Lions Gate LIVE online webinar with Mia Kafkios & Tim Whild

20:00 - 21:30 BST (GMT +1)
Online via Zoom

About this event

The Lions Gate is a highly auspicious gateway of energy that occurs with the Sun moves into the constellation of Leo and Earth aligns with Sirius and the Galactic Core.

Our workshop will be dedicated to welcoming this period of high frequency movement/change into our lives and learning the best methods for integrating the energies on offer.

Every year since 2012 has been significant progression on our planet during the Lions Gate. Of all the spiritual dates, it is the event that actively brings all of the energies from ‘blueprint to reality’ and 2021 is due to be the most significant yet!

Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild will be working directly with the Masters of Sirius, Lyra, and many Light Collectives to guide this downpouring of light to where it is needed most on this planet. Many of us are experiencing a period of great change and turmoil in our lives and we will also be looking at how to manage the ascension energy coming in and using it for our highest good.

During this workshop you will:

  • Learn about the previous (significant) Lions Gate events and how they have shaped our current pathway
  • Connect to Sirius and the Galactic Core to balance ourselves and align to higher harmony
  • Work with the Angels, Dragons, Unicorns and Ascended Masters to direct powerful light to where it is needed most! This will be service work guided on the night
  • Find out about the Storm Layer set up by Merlin in 2019 and how it is working for us for the next year!
  • Ground, balance and set yourself up for the next three weeks of high-vibe Light fun!
  • Receive an ascension update as to what we can expect from our process over August (and maybe beyond)

As with all Zoom workshops, this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!

Please note: This event is not organised by Tim Whild. For all enquiries, please contact Mia Kafkios on

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