Planetary Healing Session – Online Crystal Workshop with Tim Whild

Workshop Recording

About this recording

As we move rapidly into a higher vibration Mother Earth is dropping density and shedding layers of karma that cannot be taken into the new Golden Era.

Although this is a natural and necessary process, it also has the potential to be distressing and disruptive for those living upon her. A perfect example of this would be the extensive fires in Australia, Africa and Brazil. Due to the vibration that has been achieved by the shifts we are also being called now to intervene in the pantomime that is global politics. As the old hierarchy lose their grip they begin to act in an increasingly desperate manner, and it is our job to negate these acts with the Laws of Grace and Unconditional Love.

In the previous Zoom event (and in others last year) we demonstrated how powerful group intention and commitment can be. Together we will be sending healing, via crystals, to areas of the world that need it the most using maps that are screen shared as we move through the session.

During this workshop recording you will –

  • Balance and ground your energy individually and as a group.
  • Create a space of impenetrable protection using a Unified Heart Field.
  • Work with the Law of One and learn how we will be using some (or all) aspects of this.
  • Invoke and connect to the Intergalactic Council and the Board of Karma (and many others) to carry out high frequency planetary work.
  • Send crystal-directed healing to the parts of our world that need it the most (you will need a crystal for this).
  • Invoke balance and alchemy for yourself and the areas that we have worked on using aspects of the Violet Flame.
  • We will be participating in powerful planetary work and will have a lot of assistance from the Higher Realms!

Please note that you will need a crystal for this workshop! – it doesn’t need to be big or fancy, but it is more effective to send energy/intention via a clear (quartz based) crystal. An example of this would be rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, Lemurian etc. Any shape or size will do as long as it is connected to your energies.

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