Solstice Ascension Circle Zoom Online Workshop with Tim Whild, Jackie White, Sally Sherin and Paul Dobree-Carey

Workshop Recording

About this recording

At this time of the Great Awakening we have all chosen to be in a physical body here on planet Earth. We are here to ensure the Ascension of Earth and to usher in the new Golden Age.

The current phase of our shift is the most challenging so far. We are being called to hold ourselves within this external reality, whilst going within to access our individual knowledge and tools from our multidimensional lifetimes. Some of this knowledge is common to groups of us because we have shared the same journey to Earth from the higher planes.

Where we are now has been meticulously prepared for over 10,000 years. Every single one of us on the ascension pathway holds a key aspect of an ascension blueprint. The changes we see around us now are the start of the journey to the new Golden Era.

We have a map, keys, codes, activations, unlimited potential and an entire Universe supporting us….all we need to do is remember who we are!

This Solstice is the perfect time to integrate with our Higher Selves. Tim, Jackie, Sally and Paul are looking forward to leading some powerful visualisations to bring the Christ Consciousness codes coming through the Sun into YOU, where the blueprint for humanity’s Golden Age already resides.

When we come together as friends and (old) colleagues we perform a sacred act of co-creation, and the light that we create will be seen through many dimensions!

The Speakers

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