Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 5: The Temple of Healing

Workshop Recording

About this recording

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

Incredible new information is coming through for the Light community as we walk the path through a fast-paced 2024.

Tim Whild has been guided to host a series of events that will look at supporting each individual as we traverse what is being presented to us to us in our current reality.

What do you wish to look at and what do you want to work with?

Each of the Sunday night sessions will be designed to be ‘power hour’ events that deliver a large quantity of information combined with high frequencies that will assist with your ascension process!

The following dates will be held at 7:15pm UK time and will finish at 8pm. Please be aware of time differences as we move into British Summer Time after the first two sessions!

Details and booking links for each event:

Event 1: The 3/3 Portal – Sunday 3rd March

Event 2: Balancing 3D with 5D – Sunday 31st March

Event 3: The Ascension Chakra System– Sunday 14th April

Event 4: Dissolving the Astral Body and Your Connection to 3D – Sunday 19th May

Event 5: The Temple of Healing –  Monday 17th June

Event 6: The Halls of Amun-Ti – Sunday 14th July

Event 7: Speaking Your Truth With Love – Sunday 18th August

Event 8: Integrating Light – Sunday 8th September

Event 9: The Divine Principle – Sunday 6th October

Event 10: The Golden Children of the Future – Sunday 3rd November


Event 5 – 17th June. The Temple of Healing 

  • This will be a beautiful, deep, and healing space in which we can all look forward to some restorative work. 
  • Meet with Archangel Raphael and the Pleiadean Healing Team in the Atlantean Temple of Healing for downloads of Blue Rose Energy and The Emerald Ray. 
  • Receive a Third Eye activation to assist you to see through the illusion of 3D…with love and grace. 
  • Bring your favourite crystal and open your heart for healing! 

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