The Empaths Guide to Planet Earth Zoom Workshop with Birkan Tore and Tim Whild

Workshop Recording

About this recording

Empathic people feel everything…absolutely everything, and this can be a real struggle whilst learning to harness the skills and benefits of an empathic disposition. Empathy is a powerful gift when harnessed correctly but many people shut themselves down when faced with the energies of those around them.

As we move through this fourth-dimensional window of energy our levels of sensitivity are rising by the day. The truth of the matter is that every soul on Earth is an empath and we simply register this sensitivity with different responses to our environment.

Here you will learn about the different types of empathic energy and how to deal with the things that we face and feel on a daily basis.

This Zoom workshop will teach you to shine brightly even when you are surrounded by the murkiest of energies!

  • Empathic energy. Why do I feel this way?
  • Sharing our space. It doesn’t matter what you do, where you go, or how many times you ask Archangel Michael….you are always going to run into that ‘one person’ or situation that drops your vibe. Learn how to turn this around swiftly and effectively.
  • The chakras and the energy bodies. We are now operating with an all singing, all dancing 12 chakra system. How does this effect you?
  • Protecting you, your loved ones and your personal space
  • Sacred Space. Turn your home into your sanctuary
  • The Violet Flame and how to use other energies to assist you
  • Breaking away. As we raise our vibration many people experience the collapse of old relationships and structures. Here we will explain exactly why this is happening to you

Payment via PayPal – £35. Once you have signed up you will automatically be sent a link with instructions to join the event.

This event was part of a 5 part series – Find out more.

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Image credit: Martin Dolan Photography