The Golden Christ Light of 2022 – Zoom Online Workshop with Lovisa Alvtörn and Tim Whild

Workshop Recording

About this recording

Did you notice the difference in the quality of the light when you woke up on the 1st of January? How did it feel to you?

The final month of 2021 was one of the most intense that we have ever experienced as we were purged of all lower frequencies, karma, attachments, and patterns linking us to 3D.

On the timeline that we now exist upon we are creating a new golden future, one that is in harmony with the Divine Plan of Archangel Metatron who is the director of our ascension process.

Many of us will still be feeling the effects of these energy surges and transitions as we step into this workshop hosted by Lovisa and Tim. Both teachers work directly with the Golden Ray and have prepared energetically for what is now happening around the world. The new light that is around all of us now is here to stay. It is known in the higher realms as the ‘Foundation Energy’ for all that is being built over the next decade as we move towards 2032, the year that marks the beginning of the New Golden Age.

January is a month that has been dedicated for healing, integration, and the discipline of setting intentions. This workshop will be a soul-soothing introduction to this incredible new foundation energy, the Masters and Archangels who work with it and how best to use it in our everyday lives!

During this recording you will –

  • Receive and in-depth energy report from Lovisa and Tim covering the end of last year and where we currently are!
  • Work directly with the Golden Christ Light to shift your Divine Goldprint into the highest vibration possible.
  • Meet the Keepers of the Golden Christ Light! Archangel Metatron and a handful of Ascended Masters have been allocated the honour of holding this Light for us. It is time to connect with them!
  • Tune into the consciousness of the Earth Angel Gaia to see what she would like us to do as a group on the night. This is high level service work which will be given to us during the event.
  • Anchor the Golden Christ Light into a crystal so that you may access and work with it at any time! (Please bring your own crystal…it does not have to be big or fancy, just a piece that you are connected to).

Come prepared for an introduction also to the Norse Master energies. The starting point for our meditation together in this event will be a starlit Scandinavian winter night, where the Norse Masters of Light are waiting to assist you in your healing and self-empowerment as you connect with the Golden Christ Light!

As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!

The price for this recording is £15. To purchase it, please complete the form below:

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