The March Equinox Healing and Integration Workshop – Zoom Online with Tim Whild

Workshop Recording

About this recording

Spring is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere whereas the Southern Hemisphere is approaching its Autumn phase of perfect balance.

Our year so far has been like a roller-coaster ride of highly charged and very intense energy and the Equinox is the perfect opportunity to level the playing field.

For generations souls around the world have acknowledged the Equinox phases for their spiritual significance but since our great shift in 2012, they have become increasingly potent phases of energy.

For this event we will be dedicating the time to ourselves. With the global circumstances triggering our emotions and calling us into action it is very easy to overlook our own requirements. We also need to take time to breathe, heal and smooth the energies out.

Tim will lead a gentle but powerful session conducted in the Atlantean Temple of Healing. We will be joined by a special team of Archangels, Dragons, Unicorns, Ascended Masters and ET souls who specialise in bringing through healing techniques.

During this Zoom Workshop Recording you will –

  • Fully ground and balance yourself to clear any physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and Geopathic stress
  • Meet the Team….they are getting excited already! There is a beautiful group of high frequency souls that we will be connecting to on the night
  • Visit the Atlantean Temple of Healing that perfected physical healing with technology from the Stars
  • Honouring the Equinox – As Within So Without. When we balance individually, we balance the world around us
  • DNA realignment. We will work with a powerful group decree to install and activate our highest physical blueprint
  • Bring your favourite crystal! Everything is better with crystals around ?

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