Join Lovisa Alvtorn, Jackie White and Tim Whild, at the closing of the Lions Gate 2023 for a full day in-person Heart Based Day in beautiful Wells, just outside of Glastonbury.

Jackie is hosting the day and in this short video Tim, Lovisa & Jackie are speaking about the beautiful location, venue and what the day is going to be about. Tim & Lovisa end with a beautiful Higher Heart meditation.

August 17th 2023 at the Swan Hotel, Wells, Somerset. 10-4.30pm

This day will be all about the Heart! Tim and Lovisa have worked closely together over many lifetimes going all the way back via Old Norse to Atlantean times, and their work always centres around and is strongly anchored in the Heart. The Heart is our spiritual core, and the Heart is the motor of the Ascension process. The Heart is our own sacred gateway to the Cosmic Heart and to the Heart of Source; it holds our pure Divine Spark.

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