1. The Tri-Seal of Michael, Gabriel and Zadkiel.

This key is a gift from the Archangels and can be used anytime, any place and anywhere. It combines the energies of Archangel Michael’s Blue Cloak of Confidence and Protection, Archangel Gabriel’s Diamond Ray of Purity, and Archangel Zadkiel’s Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame.

Use this key upon your own bodies and fields or present it to areas or situations that you wish to protect, alchemise or transform. It is incredibly versatile and can also be used to patch up areas of the auric field that are in need of attention or repair.

As with all of the Keys, once it is programmed into a crystal it can be invoked and activated instantly.


“Beloved Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Zadkiel I ask you to activate your Sacred Key – The Tri-Seal”

2. As Above So Below.

This key is used for instantaneous harmonisation and balance of the four-body system…physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If you are feeling out of sorts, ask Thoth to activate this key to bring you back to centre.

The vibration of this key has also got wider reaching healing capabilities. It can be placed over any physical body to bring the DNA into alignment and to stimulate the twelve chakras to spin at their perfect rate. It will set the vibration of the physical body to match that of the persons Higher Self.


“Beloved Thoth, I ask that you now activate your Divine Key – As Above, So Below”

3. Seven Suns

This powerful key is linked directly to the Seven Spiritual Sun located throughout our Spiritual Universe and is an instant invocation to a high frequency download of Light. It is presented by Archangel Metatron who will always guide its flow so that the user does not absorb too much in one go!

This Key can also be used to bring light and spiritual accelerations to places and situations far away, or to establish a column of light within your own home, meditation space or working area.

Please note that this symbol is powerful and to be used with responsibility.


“Beloved Archangel Metatron I ask that you now activate your Key…the Light of the Seven Suns”

4. The Key of Serapis Bay

This Key is used for souls that wish to get instantly grounded (and protected) fast. Serapis Bay has created this symbol and linked it to his Golden Pyramid in Hollow Earth. It contains powerful Lemurian and Atlantean energy which will also help align the user to higher sources of light and knowledge.

Serapis Bay is widely known throughout the spiritual Universe as a Master Architect and any soul seeing the signature of this symbol will know that Serapis is working closely with the user. This symbol can also be placed on buildings to fortify the power of the ascension energy within.


“Beloved Serapis Bay I ask you to activate the power and grounding of your Sacred Key”

5. The Key of Kuthumi

Lord Kuthumi has gifted this Key in order to link the user to his Higher Universities where many souls study during their sleep time. The Universities of Sirius contain incredible opportunities for us to extend our knowledge of the Universe and to add extra curriculum to our missions, both here on Earth and throughout the galaxies.

This Key is used for learning support and study especially as we are now being presented with high-frequency information that has been brought to Earth before.

Kuthumi says ‘Every soul on Earth is a pupil learning to navigate a physical dimension filled with incredible obstacles’.


“Beloved Kuthumi I humbly ask that you activate your sacred Key, The Key of Kuthumi, to support my higher learning”

6. Universal Order

The Key of Universal Order is gifted by the Intergalactic Council and the Board of Karma. It is to be used with the utmost responsibility and respect.

When this Key is invoked its purpose is to re-align everything that is currently out of alignment with its Divine Vibration. This can be an individual, a place or a situation.

To invoke this symbol is to request that order be restored immediately to whatever it is under the Highest Laws of Grace and will command the immediate presence of the two Councils to see that this is done.


“I now invoke the illumined presences of the Intergalactic Council and the Board of Karma to activate the Key of Universal Order. May the highest good be the manifestation of my request under the Law of Grace”

7. The Key of Poseidon

The Key of Poseidon grants immediate connection to the Cathedral of the Sacred Heights, also known as the Temple of Poseidon during Atlantean times.

The connection of this Key will attune the user to the Great Crystal, the Amethyst Skull of Atlantis and to the main Temples that the user was (and is) connected to. It is a fast track to the Atlantean Ascension Blueprint and invokes the protection and wisdom of Lord Poseidon, Keeper of the Seas.

This symbol can also be used to cleanse anything from drinking water to the vast stretches of liquid that circle our globe.


“Lord Poseidon I now ask that you activate your sacred Key, the Key of Poseidon and connect me to the highest vibration that I held during the Atlantean era”

8. The Seal of Anubis

This is a symbol for those of us on the frontline..a symbol of power, courage, protection and change.

To invoke this Key you must be free of fear as the Legions of Anubis will immediately step forth to fortify whatever it is that you may be facing.
This is a Warriors Key. Many of us are now facing incredible opposition from forces that do not wish to relinquish their third-dimensional power and the Seal of Anubis will be instantly recognised in any realm, whatever the vibration. It is to be used when faced with any odds that seem insurmountable.


“I call forth to Mighty Anubis to activate the Seal of Anubis within, through and around my bodies. I invoke the Legions of Anubis to stand in front of me, behind me and beside me at all times”

9. The Key of Commander Ashtar (Venus)

This Key invokes the immediate presence of the Ashtar Command and Ashtar himself. It can be used for safe projection of ourselves in spirit form to far away places (especially at night) and is recognised by everyone who works intergalactically or multi-dimensionally within our Universal Space.

Commander Ashtar regulates every presence that contacts Earth and this Key will provide higher contact with the illumined Star Beings that are beginning to make their presences known to us as our vibration rises. It can also be used to eliminate unwanted contact from lower ET beings currently inhabiting Earth.

Ashtar Command is currently working with various souls globally to remove the mind control technology that has been in place since the fall of Atlantis.


“Beloved Ashtar please now invoke your Sacred Key, the Key of Commander Ashtar and bring your presence directly to me at this time”

10. The Seal of the Pleiadean High Council

This Key invokes and activates the highest levels of Pleiadean energies and healing available.

The Pleiadean High Council worked closely with the Temples of Healing and Sound in Atlantis and they are bringing their knowledge to those that are ready to receive it. The activation brings them an anchor point which acts as a ‘mainline’ for their vibrations to connect with us. It can be used also for powerful individual and group healing.


“I call forth now to the Pleidean Collective to activate and anchor The Seal of the Pleiadean High Council”

11. The Key of the Orion Council

This Key is for the activation of the highest knowledge available to us at any given time. The Council of Orion are linked to every single power spot, portal and pyramid around Earth and are responsible for bringing them back online for the ascension of our planet. To activate this Key is to commit to the global duties that we have as Lightworkers to keep our planet flowing with the highest frequency energy and knowledge, and to keep these places untainted from lower vibrations. The knowledge from Orion is incredibly ancient and has assisted many planets to move through the process that we are now going through.


“With Grace, love and responsibility I now invoke the Key and the presences of the Orion Council. Please anchor and activate the Key at this location (state the place with authority)”

12. The Key of Seraphina (Seraphina’s Stargate)

This is the most powerful of all of the Keys and has been issued to be used with the utmost responsibility. This Stargate allows access to the highest realms and is guarded by four Unicorns so the entrance-exit point will never become tainted. The Stargate allows the Light of Seraphina to connect directly to Earth by form of a pillar and is to be used to alter whatever it connects with for the highest good.

Anyone who invokes the Key can also step through the portal to experience Seraphina’s energy themselves.


“In the name of the Light, under the Law of Grace I now request the activation of the Key of Seraphina”

13. The Cosmic Garden of the Solar Logos

Dancing above all creations, vibrations, dimensions and frequencies of multiple forms is the Cosmic Garden of the Solar Logos. This is the Key that binds all of the others together in unity and should always be used in conjunction with any of the other keys, whether you are using just one or multiple Keys with each other.

The Solar Logos watches everything happening within our Universal Space and we are all One with this frequency. The Cosmic Garden is All That Is.


“From the centre of my loving heart I now request to activate the Cosmic Garden of the Solar Logos. I acknowledge my use of these symbols with the utmost integrity and responsibility that I hold within. Under the Law of Grace, It is so.”

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