The Woodland Chronicles – Week 50 – The Path Revealed

The Woodland Chronicles – Week 50 – The Path Revealed. As we head towards the Solstice Tim is looking into the recent timeline shifts, the breaking down of the Astral, the dissolution of the Matrix, and the rise of the new and balanced 5D human. Never before have we experienced such an incredible year and […]

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Forging the New Masters December Solstice 2023

David Essery and Tim Whild – Archangel Metatron and the Upcoming Solstice. Today Tim is joined by his good friend David Essery to discuss the current energies and their upcoming Solstice event on the 21st December. Meditation Monday is included in this meeting as Metatron joins us for a full chakra light integration! The Big […]

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Happy Monday

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The woodland Chronicles Week 49 Our Bodies in the Fifth Dimension

Today Tim is looking at the intensive physical shifts that we are experiencing from a perspective of purity. After connecting with Archangel Gabriel and his Diamond Ray in 2004, Tim realised that the energies that we are receiving/using are no joke and that they have a powerful physical effect. Twenty years on we are now […]

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Jackie White and I discuss Our New Year Events

As is our tradition now, wonderful Tim Whild is starting 2024 for us at Inspirations Positive Living. Tim will be sharing from his guides what the start of 2024 has in store for us and reminding us of the important work we are all here to do at this amazing time on Planet Earth. Tickets […]

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Meditation Monday with Lovisa Alvtörn, Anna Indra Larsson and Tim Whild.

Meditation Monday with Lovisa Alvtörn, Anna Indra Larsson and Tim. Today we are taking a powerful dive into the frequency of the Rose Galaxy with an introduction to the beautiful Light of Ahva Elohim. You will receive an activation when you tune into this video and it is a small taster for the event we […]

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The Woodland Chronicles – Week 48 – Diana Cooper and Tim Whild on the Codes of Helios.

Today’s woodland ascension update is a chilly one (for Tim) as he is joined by his friend and very special guest Diana Cooper, who has wisely chosen to record by her log fire. Diana and Tim are talking about the upcoming month and what is happening energy-wise for us all. On the 12/12 portal they […]

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Merge with Archangel Metatron – Diana Cooper and Tim Whild.

Helios is the 11th dimensional Great Central Sun, where Archangel Metatron creates the light codes for this entire universe. These are the codes of your highest potential and happiness. When you attune to Helios at a 7D frequency the energy ignites your expanded self. Prepare for an in depth download of the gold keys of […]

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27 November 2023

Today Tim is working with the Sacral Chakra which has done so much work over the past 11 years of the ascension process. Are you ready to let go of the Sacral patterns that no longer serve you? 30th November – 10th December – 12th December – The Big Solstice Workshop – […]

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The Woodland Chronicles – Week 47 – The Sons of Belial.

The Woodland Chronicles – Week 47- The Sons of Belial. Today Tim is diving into the Fall of Atlantis and the souls that caused this fall. They are still in positions of ‘power’ around the world but they know that their time is up. What will we experience/see as we move through the final weeks […]

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