The Lion’s Gate Workshop – Tim Whild in Emsworth

Emsworth, PO10 7DD

This powerful one-day workshop will be dedicated to preparing for the Lion’s Gate portal which will be occurring on the 8th of August. Using the energies and the information that has become available to us the gathering of like minds and soul light has the power to transform reality!

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Lions Gate 2024 – The Inner Sun Expansion | Online Workshop with David Essery and Tim Whild

Online via YouTube

Join David Essery and Tim Whild this Lions Gate where Melchizedek will be our guide as we travel to the Lemurian City to witness the incredible expansion of this “Light Core” which will share its light with all the souls of Earth, beginning a reawakening for all.

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Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 7: Speaking Your Truth With Love

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

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The Golden Solar Violet Flame – Closing the Lions Gate with Tim Whild & Lovisa Alvtörn

Join Lovisa & Tim for this nourishing and empowering event as we close down the Lions Gate together and enter into the peaceful and grounding energies of Virgo season.

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Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 8: Integrating Light

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

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Autumn Equinox ~ Soul Ascension Workshop

Blandford ~ Dorset ~ DT11 9JE

The Soul Ascension Workshop is back for the Autumn Equinox

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Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 9: The Divine Principles

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

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Sunday Night Ascension Club with Tim Whild – Event 10: The Golden Children of the Future

Sunday Night Ascension Club is here! This powerful series consisting of ten separate events will be held on YouTube Live between March and November 2024.

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The Stuttgart SPRING ASCENSION Weekend with Tim Whild

Stuttgart, Germany

Tim Whild is paying an early-spring visit to one of his favourite places, Stuttgart and its surrounding area, to run a powerful two-day workshop focussing on the most beautiful parts of the ascension process.

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