Day 1: Pre Life Decisions – 10 Day Ascension Boost with Diana cooper and Tim Whild

Day 1: Pre Life Decisions – 10 Day Ascension Boost with Diana cooper and Tim Whild

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The Astral Planes and the Power of Alchemy

Tim is looking at the increase in Astral activity around us, why it is happening and the best way to deal with it while keeping our own light high.

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A Decree for Pillars of Love to be Anchored on Earth

This decree is an activation to assist you to anchor a pillar of love and light to wherever you are in the world. Using any crystal that you have you can also request that the pillar of light can be anchored anywhere that you wish it to be activated. “I (your name) hereby invoke the […]

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Soul Family

Today Tim explains about the process of ‘soul isolation’ that many of us are or have been experiencing. This (sometimes) challenging and painful initiation is the prelude to something far more beautiful

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Thoth’s Instant Sun

This is a guided visualisation to invoke and activate Thoth’s Instant Sun which which help you balance your chakras, your bodies and your spiritual fields.

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Monads and Fixed Designs

Today Tim is looking at two terms used in his Monday Meditation as well as a breakdown of the current energies.

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The Monadic Invocation

I AM The Monad I AM The Light Divine I AM Love I AM Will I AM Fixed Design (Repeat 3 times)

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Healing the Fall of Atlantis

Today Tim is looking at how we let go of our anger/trauma from the Fall of Atlantis and how it is still shaping our lives today.

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Clearing and Balancing the Alta Major with Serapis Bey and Archangel Gabriel

Clearing and Balancing the Alta Major with Serapis Bey and Archangel Gabriel

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Are we really compassionate with others? We are currently experiencing a collective initiation of compassion and understanding.

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