The Alchemy of Love

YOU are a Master Alchemist! The vibration of love is the driving force of the ascension process and we are being asked to use every tool, gift and ability that we have to transform the world around us to match the frequency of our hearts. Where is your energy flowing right now and does it […]

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A Blessing from The Masters…Voosloo, Serapis Bey and Merlin

Today, Meditation Monday is being blessed with a Third Eye and Crown activation from Ascended Masters Voosloo, Serapis Bey and Merlin. Enjoy! My podcast interview with the lovely Kelly Vikings (also see previous post!)……

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The Core Fear Removal Mission

Tim’s Friday ascension update is looking at the latest mission from the Higher Realms to remove the fear triggers that keep souls bound to the third dimension. David Essery and Tim Whild will be coming together for a powerful Solstice event…join us here –

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Liberation from Fear with Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael came through very strongly with a message this morning as the Higher Realms begin an operation called Liberation from Fear (Liberatio a Timore). The 3D Matrix is making more further moves to ensure its survival and as we move towards the Solstice, Light Beings are beginning to ramp up the amplitude coming to […]

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Mastering Up

Today Tim is looking at the next phase as the 3D Matrix builds for another outburst. How do we hold the light, our frequency, and the frequency of the planet as we are presented with more triggers? We Master Up! On the 30th my interview with the lovely Kelly Vikings will be released on her […]

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The Gathering of the Masters

Today is a Full Moon in Scorpio complete with an Eclipse and the Festival of Wesak. Upon tuning into this energy Tim saw Ascended Masters gathered at all the sacred points of our planet, tuning into the 5D Grid with silent and loving intent. The Ascension Toolkit is nearly ready! I would like […]

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It’s Upgrade Season!

We have moved from an incredible period of clearing/shadow work to full-on integration. Let’s get to work and enjoy it!  Here is the details for the Ascension Toolkit that David has been working so hard to create…it is nearly ready! Check the links out for more information:

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Opening the Doorway to Golden Atlantis

Today Tim is working via the Soul Star to re-connect to the era of Golden Atlantis. This also assists to release the shadow/trauma of the Fall which has been imbued into the collective consciousness, and is being reflected in our current situation (worldwide).

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Sovereignty in 5D

Today Tim is looking at what he regards to be the true meaning of sovereignty in our fifth-dimensional vibration. Sovereignty without distraction.

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Goddess Amaryllis

We have now entered a ‘New Spring’ on our ascension pathway and this morning Tim is joined by Goddess Amaryllis for an energy blessing.

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