Hi everyone! It is the 1st August and that can mean only one thing…the Lions Gate is open!
How are you all finding the energies at the moment? As soon as that connection is made to Sirius and the Galactic Core we are lit up with a selection of frequencies that are unique as they are powerful.
Lions Gate has been honoured and celebrated since Atlantean times and with good reason. Over the course of our year we experience many powerful dates including full and new moons, Equinoxes, Solstices and numerous astrological alignments. All of these are powerful, but it is the August energies that are designed to ‘get the job done’.
Since I began working directly with the planetary energies in 2012 each consecutive year has become more intense, but 2017 took the prize with the triggering of the Global Heart Chakra (every soul on the planet).
I remember sitting in my garden on the 22nd August in 2017 just as the gate was closing and being told by Archangel Metatron that 7.6 billion people had their 5th dimensional heart chakra triggered (opened) in that 3-4 weeks!
At the time I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and when he asked me to put the information out, I felt an incredible amount of resistance…how could every soul on Earth have received this when most of them appeared to be asleep?
His answer was simple, he asked me what the first process of a heart awakening was? What happened when people began the journey from the ego to the heart? This immediately gave me the answer that I needed as I know from personal experience that the journey begins with the Dark Night of the Soul.
The length of the night is totally dependent on an individual’s level of resistance (ego) to the transition, and I could then see what was about to occur on Earth as we collectively took this step towards 5D.
During this Lions Gate we will all be active participants in planetary change during one of the most incredible year in Earth’s history! I am genuinely excited to see what the next phase brings. Keep your light high, your frequency clear and your manifestation sharp as we are being called into our highest roles now.
The process of the ‘dark night’ is still very much a part of what is going on around us now. It is responsible for the planetary changes we are experiencing (as well as the Global Naval Chakra – unity) so remind yourself of this if you feel yourself being challenged by the behaviour of others. Every single person moving through the Gateway is going through this…politicians, bankers, pharmaceutical directors and the military just to name a few. Be kind, speak and act with love. It is just a process and these souls are under an incredible amount of pressure to shift. We are in the driving seat now despite how it might look out there.
This is a roundup from the month on the Tim Whild – Practical Ascension Page and also a reminder of the fabulous events coming up!
On the 6th I will be presenting the final episode of Ascension Essentials with Carolyne Bennett, and boy do we have a treat for you on the 8th!
With love, Tim Whild.