What will it be like to be fully living in ‘5D’. This platform of energy requires us to live in unity without the negative aspects of the ego which have created the divisions/competition/survival that we experienced in 3D.
How easy will it be to let go of the deep survival programming that we have had to apply to life on Earth? Tim dives into this as we head into the Lion’s Gate.

8th August – Lion’s Gate – https://www.timwhild.com/events/the-lions-core-lions-gate-2023/

23rd August – https://www.timwhild.com/events/activation-and-upgrade-after-lions-gate-online-workshop-with-mia-kafkios-and-tim-whild/

5th September – https://www.timwhild.com/events/stepping-fully-into-your-spiritual-service-online-workshop-with-alice-heath-and-tim-whild/

9th September – https://www.timwhild.com/events/the-temples-of-the-sun-and-moon/

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