Shifting Timelines

The time between the Solstice and the Lions Gate is incredibly powerful. We are experiencing multiple realities that were once intertwined beginning to seperate and align with their higher potential.

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Holding the Goldprint

Today Tim is talking about the very high Light that we have recieved since the Solstice and how it is affecting our reality, and the people around us.

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Setting Up Your Day With The Violet Flame

Today Tim is working with the Violet Flame to alchemise your day with high frequency intention and Light before you enter into it.

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Taking Things up a Notch

Today Tim is looking at the energy we are recieving from the Solstice Gateway and how the Teams of Light are working between now and the Lions Gate. Things are going up a notch!

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Balancing the Light

Happy Monday lovely souls, it is Solstice Eve and the light is coming in very strongly. Tim is working with the bodies, fields and Stellar Gateway chakra this morning to assist with balancing the Light that we are receiving.

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Power and Responsibility

Today Tim is looking at how powerful we are and how we are often tricked into feelings of outrage and powerlessness. As individual and collective Masters of Energy we are being asked to focus on creating positive outcomes instead of providing fuel for the 3D Matrix.

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Using a Crystal to Clear Your Chakras

Today Tim is using his crystal to balance and clear four ‘problem chakras’, the Third Eye, Throat, Solar Plexus and Sacral using a simple technique. This same method can be applied to any other chakra at any time!

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Spiritual Protection

Happy Friday beautiful souls! Today Tim is looking at the subject of spiritual protection and how it has evolved and changed since the Cosmic Moment in 2012. How do we keep our light high, pure and clear when surrounded by dense energy? What is the most effective way of protecting ourselves?

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Activating the Atlantean Goldprint – Navel Chakra Meditation

Today Tim is working with Archangel Gabriel and Ascended Master Voosloo to ‘light the beacons’ for the next phase of our ascension process.

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The Alchemy of Love

YOU are a Master Alchemist! The vibration of love is the driving force of the ascension process and we are being asked to use every tool, gift and ability that we have to transform the world around us to match the frequency of our hearts. Where is your energy flowing right now and does it […]

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