After the Lions Gate

We are now on the other side of an incredible Lion’s Gate and in a completely new bandwidth of energy/light. What are we going to do with this and where is it going to take us?

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Lion’s Gate Alignment

Today is the most powerful alignment on the spiritual calender as the Galactic Core aligns with Sirius and Earth…the Lions Gate. Join Tim in a heart-opening visualisation to connect into this energy and open yourself to the highest light.

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Lemuria Rising

After 260,000 years the Lemurian Civilisation is getting ready to assist with our ascension process on the ‘surface’ of our world. This is the beginning of a big era of our ascension process triggered by the incredible light of the Lions Gate.

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Adama of Telos

The Lions Gate is open and so are the Gates of Telos! Join Tim in a Monday connection to Mt Shasta as the energies begin to flow from there into the Earth Grids.

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You Will Own Everything and Be Happy

Manifestation is one of the greatest hurdles of the ascension process as we move from 3D to 5D. Everything that we focus on and bring into our consciousness becomes part of our individual and collective reality. Are we going to be told what to manifest by those that seek to keep our vibration in fear, […]

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Aligning your Third Eye to New Higher Frequencies

We are now in the Lions Gate portal and the energy peaks on the 8th August. Huge structural shifts are occuring around the world and our energy is being called to align with the new, higher light. In order to perceive and recieve at the required level Tim is using a technique to clear and […]

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The Halfway Point

We are almost exactly halfway through our transition from 3D to 5D and on the threshold of the Lions Gate. How far have we come in the past ten years and how does our reality look to us from an enlightened perspective? Many people are percieving that we are now occupying a brand new Universal […]

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Calming your Nervous System with the Lilac Fire of Source

Today Tim is working with the Lilac Fire to calm and balance the nervous system which can often get ‘over-activated’ during high-frequency gateways or portals.

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Divine Tiredness

Today Tim is looking at the energy dynamics of where we are between Solstice and The Lions Gate. On the 23rd July we will be encountering the next powerful upgrades.

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The Navel Chakra Goldprint Activation

Today’s activation is working with the Golden Rainbow Fire and the Navel Chakra which will be playing a huge role in the coming changes to our higher timeline. Invocation to the Golden-Rainbow Flame. I AM The Golden-Rainbow Fire I AM the peace the world requires I AM the Power of Unity I AM the Essence […]

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