Alice Heath and Tim Whild – Stepping Fully into your Spiritual Service.

Today Alice and Tim are talking about their upcoming event on the 5th September called Stepping Fully into your Spiritual Service. This event will take a deep dive into the Neptune/Atlantean energies and has a new template encoded within that aligns with the Atlantean Ascension Goldprint. We will also be releasing and alchemising distorted and […]

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Woodland Chronicles Week 34 – Self Awareness with David Essery

Hey Beautiful People David Essery back again, stepping in for Tim one last time as he takes the rest of the week off. Today I wanted to talk to a bit about Self Awareness and how critical it is to changing our lives. The following is the link to the video that I mentioned of […]

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Mia and Tim Facebook Live August 22, 2023

Mia and Tim chat post Lions Gate and dive into their upcoming events! 23rd August – 20th September onwards –

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Finding Peace Within – Meditation Monday with David Essery

Hey Beautiful People! Tim is taking a week off but bless him he never likes to leave you guys without a video so he asked me to takeover for him today. The Lions Gate energy is officially settling down, but it has been such an intense period since the solstice leaving many of us feeling […]

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The Cathedral Chronicles Week 33 – After the Lion’s Gate

Lions Gate 2023 has closed but the effects will remain forever. A Higher Heart activation has moved around the planet in a powerful wave of aquamarine light and no-one will be left out! After a beautiful workshop in Wells Tim is reflecting upon some of the intricacies of moving into 5D. 23rd August – […]

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Archangel Raphael and Merlin – Meditation Monday.

The Lion’s Gate energy has moved through now and we are in a state of integration. How does your nervous system feel? Tim is joined by Archangel Raphael and Merlin to work on balancing this precious system. 23rd August – 5th September – 9th September – Starting on the 20th September! […]

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The Woodland Chronicles Week 32 – Truth and Division

How do we respond when we are presented with information that does not resonate with us or recieve ‘truth’ that we believe that others must acknowledge? This is a unique aspect of the ascension process/planetary wake-up that we are all witnessing at this time. Tim dives in! 23rd August – Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild […]

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Return of the Dragons – Meditation Monday.

During a frequency rise in 2014 a surge of Dragon souls moved through the Lemurian portal in Honolulu to begin their assistance with Earth’s ascension. Some of us might have experienced them stepping back slightly over the past four/five years but now they have returned in even greater numbers and at a much higher frequency! […]

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David Essery and Tim Whild – Lion’s Gate Event Update

The 8th August, Lions Gate, is nearly here! David Essery and Tim Whild have a look at the current energies and what they will be working with during their upcoming event which will be going live on YouTube at 7pm BST. Find out more or sign up here –

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The Woodland Chronicles Week 31 – You Are Living Love

What will it be like to be fully living in ‘5D’. This platform of energy requires us to live in unity without the negative aspects of the ego which have created the divisions/competition/survival that we experienced in 3D. How easy will it be to let go of the deep survival programming that we have had […]

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